
Vanuatu. What can I possibly say about this place?! An impromptu getaway in January 2019 saw me in the middle of "wet season" in paradise. I stayed in the Havannah Bay area which was a decent drive from the main part of town - Port Villa. This means that I missed all the cruise ship... Continue Reading →

Embroidered sequin fish brooches

Oh boy! It's been a while since I made a post. Life has been busy, but here we are three sequined fish brooches later. Living as a jack of all trades and master of none is a tough gig, but it allows me to produce butchered musings that are slightly related to something amazing that... Continue Reading →

Playing dress-ups

Sunday. Sunday is not part of 'the weekend' for me. Sunday normally sees me waking up stupidly early to get to work or rolling out of bed in the late afternoon for a long night of making money. This Sunday saw me with nowhere to be and nothing to do, so I thought what could... Continue Reading →

Easter Gift Wrapping

Easter is around the corner! Riddle me this: How can chocolate be so overpriced when it is shaped like a bunny or an egg and a block of the same mass can cost half the price? Because capitalism is stupid and opportunistically over inflates the price of delicious, foil wrapped diabetes.  Normally I am lazy... Continue Reading →

High Tea Birthday Decor

We celebrated my mum's birthday in 2015 in style. She had opted for a high tea themed party, so we worked hard to make some magic happen. The party was hosted at her house in the backyard. We sourced many eclectic items and stuck to a silver and white theme. By the end of afternoon tea,... Continue Reading →

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